Strategies to Address Nurse Burnout

Strategies to Address Nurse Burnout
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Nurse burnout is extremely common. The American Nurses Association found that 62% of nurses experience burnout. The rate is even higher among younger nurses at 69%. With two-thirds of nurses experiencing burnout, what can we do?

Top Takeaways:
  1. Nurse burnout is extremely prevalent, particularly among newer nurses.
  2. Burnout is recognized as a syndrome by the World Health Organization.
  3. Both nurses and organizations have a role to play in reducing burnout.
Table of Contents:
  1. What is 'burnout?'
  2. Causes of burnout among nurses
  3. What organizations can do to prevent nurse burnout
  4. What nurses can do to protect themselves


How do we define burnout?

The World Health Organization added 'burnout' to its International Classification of Diseases (ICD) in 2019.

Burnout, as defined by the ICD, is a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.

It is characterized by three dimensions:

  • Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
  • Increased mental distance from one's job or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
  • Reduced professional efficacy.

Symptoms of Burnout

Burnout symptoms vary greatly, and some may be overlooked or mistaken for everyday stress.

Here are the top 10 symptoms to watch out for:

  • Chronic fatigue or feeling drained of energy
  • Difficulty sleeping or changes in sleep habits
  • Lack of focus and decreased productivity
  • Negative or cynical attitude toward work
  • Increased irritability or loss of patience with colleagues or patients
  • Decreased satisfaction or sense of accomplishment
  • Detachment or feelings of isolation from others
  • Unexplained physical symptoms such as headaches or stomachaches
  • Changes in appetite or eating habits
  • Increased illness due to lowered immunity

These symptoms not only affect the individual's health, but also their ability to deliver effective care and ensure patient safety. Monitoring these symptoms among nursing staff is a matter of professional responsibility.

Recognizing the signs early on can enable timely intervention and prevent the progression of burnout.

What causes nurse burnout?

To effectively combat nurse burnout, it's essential to understand the key contributing factors.

Among nurses, burnout can be attributed to a combination of long hours, high-stress environments, insufficient staffing, and the emotional toll of patient care.

The COVID-19 pandemic also markedly exacerbated burnout. The rapid spread of the virus resulted in unprecedented pressure on healthcare systems globally, drastically increasing workloads and stress levels of healthcare professionals, especially nurses.

They found themselves on the frontline, caring for large numbers of critically ill patients, often with inadequate resources and under conditions that posed significant risks to their own health.

The emotional burden of witnessing high mortality rates, coupled with isolation from loved ones due to infection control measures, further compounded feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, and distress.

These issues are often compounded for many nurses who are new to the field and may be ill-prepared for the demands of the profession.

Understanding these factors allows for the creation of targeted solutions to reduce burnout and promote resilience among nursing staff.

Top Contributing Factors:

Excessive Workload:

Nurses are often required to manage numerous patients simultaneously, while also handling administrative duties, maintaining medical records, and coordinating with other healthcare professionals.

This high volume of responsibilities, coupled with long working hours, frequently leads to mental and physical exhaustion and chronic fatigue. The demanding nature of these tasks — which involve making critical decisions under pressure and dealing with life-and-death situations — can lead to high levels of emotional and psychological stress.

Over time, the relentless pressure and insufficient recovery time can lead to burnout, adversely affecting not only the wellbeing of the nurses but also the quality of patient care they can provide.


Understaffing in healthcare facilities is a significant factor that contributes to nurse burnout. With inadequate staffing levels, existing nurses are often required to work longer hours and manage more patients than might be optimal.

This not only increases physical exhaustion due to the increased workload, but it also amplifies emotional stress as nurses are constantly under pressure to deliver high-standard care with limited resources and time.

The strain of not being able to provide the level of care they aspire to, coupled with the fear of making mistakes due to being overstretched, can lead to feelings of failure and cynicism – key elements of burnout.

Emotional Stress:

Nursing is a profession that often deals with life-and-death situations, which inherently carries a heavy emotional burden. Nurses are routinely exposed to suffering and grief, which can lead to compassion fatigue and emotional exhaustion if not effectively managed.

Adding to this, the high-pressure environment of healthcare, where split-second decisions can have profound impacts, can breed constant anxiety and stress. Nurses often have to suppress emotions to maintain a professional demeanor, which can result in internalized stress.

Over time, these emotional strains can accumulate, leading to burnout if not sufficiently addressed through self-care practices and support systems.

Lack of Autonomy:

Autonomy refers to the ability to make decisions and have control over one's work environment. Nurses who feel they have little control over their work environment may experience higher levels of burnout.

In nursing, autonomy can involve decisions about patient care, scheduling, and even participation in policy decisions.

When nurses feel they lack autonomy, they may feel powerless, underappreciated, and trapped in their roles, leading to frustration and dissatisfaction. This sense of being undervalued and not being able to influence change can result in feelings of helplessness, which is a significant contributor to burnout.

Empowering nurses by involving them in decision-making processes, valuing their professional opinions, and providing them with the freedom to make patient care decisions can help mitigate these feelings and reduce the risk of burnout.

Poor Work-Life Balance:

The nature of the nursing profession often entails long, irregular shift patterns, including nights, weekends, and holidays. Nurses may also find it challenging to disconnect from work during their off-hours, carrying the emotional burden and stress of their job into their personal lives.

The inability to spend quality time with loved ones or to attend important personal events due to work commitments can lead to feelings of guilt and discontent, further depleting emotional resources.

This imbalance between work and personal life can lead to a chronic state of fatigue and stress, exacerbating feelings of burnout.

Ensuring a balanced workload and providing scheduling flexibility can be instrumental in promoting a healthy work-life balance, ultimately reducing the risk of burnout among nurses.

Lack of Support:

A lack of support, both emotional and professional, can significantly contribute to nurse burnout. Nursing is a demanding profession that requires teamwork and collaboration, and when nurses feel unsupported by their peers or supervisors, their morale and job satisfaction can suffer.

This absence of support can manifest in various ways, such as lack of mentorship, absence of constructive feedback, or an unsupportive work culture that discourages open communication and collaboration.

A lack of emotional support can also leave nurses feeling isolated in dealing with the emotional strains of their job, amplifying feelings of distress and leading to burnout.

Ensuring a supportive work environment through regular check-ins, fostering team collaboration, providing mentorship and peer support programs, and promoting open communication can significantly alleviate these feelings of isolation and stress.

Inadequate Compensation:

Nurses are often required to work under high-stress conditions, making life-saving decisions and providing emotional support to patients and their families.

If the compensation does not reflect the intensity and importance of these tremendous responsibilities, nurses often feel undervalued and unappreciated. Over time, this can contribute to feelings of cynicism and detachment, key components of burnout.

Providing fair and adequate compensation that matches the demands of the job is crucial in maintaining job satisfaction and preventing burnout among nurses.


Related Reading: How Compensation Transparency is Changing Hiring and Recruiting Processes


Limited Opportunities for Advancement:

The prospect of career growth serves as a motivating factor for many professionals, including nurses.

When nurses perceive a lack of opportunity to advance in their careers, feelings of stagnation and frustration can set in. This lack of upward mobility can lead to a perceived lack of purpose or fulfillment in their roles and erode job satisfaction over time.

This is particularly true if nurses feel their skills, knowledge, and efforts are not being recognized or rewarded with opportunities for professional development or promotion.

It is vital for healthcare organizations to provide clear and accessible pathways for career progression, continuous learning, and development opportunities. By doing so, they can mitigate feelings of frustration and burnout, while also promoting professional growth and job satisfaction among nurses.

How to reduce nurse burnout

Addressing nurse burnout requires a two-pronged approach, involving efforts from both the nurses themselves and the organizations they work for.

Healthcare organizations must implement comprehensive policies to ensure a supportive work environment, adequate staffing, reasonable workloads, and clear career progression paths.

Simultaneously, nurses can manage stress and prevent burnout when equipped with self-care techniques and resilience-building strategies.

Together, they can foster a professional atmosphere that promotes health, satisfaction, and the highest standards of patient care.


What can organizations do?

Organizations can play a pivotal role in preventing nurse burnout by implementing the following strategies:

  • Ensure Adequate Staffing: Adequate staffing is a fundamental strategy in preventing nurse burnout. When staffing levels are sufficient, it prevents the overworking of nurses, reducing the stress and physical exhaustion associated with long hours and heavy workloads. It allows nurses to spend more quality time with each patient, leading to better patient outcomes and increased job satisfaction, further alleviating the risk of burnout.
  • Promote a Healthy Work Environment: Creating a positive, respectful atmosphere where nurses feel valued and supported is instrumental to preventing nurse burnout. When nurses operate in a supportive, well-managed environment, they are less likely to experience high levels of stress that can lead to burnout.
  • Provide Adequate Compensation and Benefits: Fair pay and benefits can significantly improve job satisfaction and morale. Comprehensive benefits, particularly those addressing health and wellness, demonstrate an organization's commitment to the overall well-being of its nursing staff, which can alleviate stress and help prevent the onset of burnout.
  • Invest in Employee Development: Investing in employee development fosters a sense of value and professional growth. Regular training and development opportunities not only hone their skills but also boost nurses' morale and confidence, which can lessen the stress associated with their roles. By encouraging continuous learning and professional development, healthcare organizations can create a stimulating work environment where nurses feel empowered and engaged, reducing burnout.
  • Encourage Work-Life Balance: Allow flexible scheduling where possible and encourage nurses to take time off for rest and recuperation. This balance allows nurses to have sufficient rest, engage in personal interests, and spend time with family and friends. A healthy work-life balance can prevent a sense of being overwhelmed by work demands, ultimately fostering improved job satisfaction and resilience.
  • Implement Mental Health Resources: Provide access to counseling and mental health services for nurses to manage job-related stress. Services such as counseling, stress management programs, and therapy can support nurses as they navigate the emotional exhaustion that often accompanies their roles, and prevent nurse burnout.
  • Establish Peer Support Programs: By creating a network of empathy, understanding, and mutual support within a safe and confidential environment, nurses can discuss their stresses and concerns without fear of judgment. These programs can help alleviate feelings of isolation, stress, and emotional exhaustion that often contribute to burnout. Peer support programs also enhance team cohesion and resilience, fostering a workplace culture that values collective well-being and supports stress management.
  • Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where nurses feel comfortable voicing their concerns or discussing problems with management. Regular feedback and open communication can help identify issues early and take necessary actions to prevent burnout.


Related Reading: 4 Keys to Overcoming Pervasive Physician Burnout


What can nurses do to protect themselves?

The American Nurses Association notes seven ways nurses can prevent burnout:

  • Rest: Adequate sleep replenishes the mind and body, enhances mood, and bolsters the immune system, helping nurses cope with the physical and emotional demands of their role. Furthermore, regular breaks during shifts offer opportunities to decompress and reduce stress, further mitigating the risk of burnout.
  • Ask for help: Asking for help is critical - it allows for the sharing of duties and alleviates the feeling of being overwhelmed, while also fostering an environment of teamwork and mutual support. More importantly, it cultivates a culture where seeking assistance and prioritizing one's mental health is normalized, helping to prevent burnout.
  • Get exercise: Regular physical exercise is an antidote to stress and burnout in nursing professionals. It promotes the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, which improves mental wellness and resilience. Regular exercise also assists in maintaining nurse health and stamina, enabling nurses to better cope with demanding work schedules and physical tasks.
  • Eat well: Proper nutrition before and during shifts provides the necessary energy and nutrients for brain function and physical stamina, enhancing the ability to cope with challenging work conditions. Certain foods, rich in antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, are known to improve mood and mitigate the physiological impacts of stress. Eating well is not just about physical health, but also about promoting mental well-being, crucial in combatting burnout.
  • Take a break: Regular breaks provide an opportunity to mentally recharge, reduce stress, and refocus, all of which can counteract the negative effects of prolonged pressure and continuous work. Breaks can also help nurses maintain a sense of work-life balance, even within their shifts, which is essential for long-term job satisfaction and mental well-being.
  • Request training: Requesting and receiving regular training helps to keep nurses' skills current and fosters confidence in their roles, reducing anxiety and stress. When nurses have the knowledge and competencies needed to effectively carry out their responsibilities, it leads to more positive experiences at work and helps mitigate burnout.
  • Mindfulness techniques: Mindfulness, which involves being fully present and engaged in the current moment, can help nurses manage stress by promoting mental clarity, emotional balance, and a sense of calm. This can make it easier to handle the pressures of the job, ultimately reducing the risk of burnout. Mindfulness can also improve empathy and patient care, contributing to job satisfaction and professional effectiveness.


Related Reading: How To Solve the Nursing Shortage


Nurse burnout is a complex issue that requires collective efforts and comprehensive strategies to manage.

While individual resilience is key, organizations also have a significant role to play in providing a supportive, positive, and sustainable work environment.

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